Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beauty Isn't

Once I knew a queen of beauty
who preferred the life of tramp,
when the navy had us practice
walking through fire and drowning,
I could have told them
I learned that long ago.

Beauty isn’t as easily seen as ugly is,
stolen dreams and bones well broken
is ugly at its very best,
never let them steal your soul;
that is where beauty truly lives.

I knew a man from Biloxi, not far from
New Orleans I’m told, the land of fun streets.
I’ve known guys and gals who walked the mean streets,
Harlem, 8 Mile, Southside, but I’ve heard
the rubber burning down the thunder road.
Do those S curves at 100 mph and
three sheets to the wind and then tell me
about the razor’s edge.
We were young once, but never free,
forever we yearned for that glory road.

Once there was a dancer whose beautiful soul
was entwined with that of a poet. As luck would have it,
they each ran as fast as they could
down roads leading out of town;
never knowing that each were bound for each.
The glory road patiently waited
for their arrival.

I have seen the lies that beauty tells and
I have walked through fire down
the glory road and I know
what beauty is and what
beauty wasn’t.

Mike Carson

Monday, August 17, 2009

The 17th August The 17th

Raging spirit,
furious words flung at
a brick wall,
only to reverberate
in silence.

It has been seventeen years
since your light went out.
Each year there are fewer
and fewer who
knew the glow.

We never played that game of golf,
but then again,
you never were that
tossing baseballs in the side yard
type of father.

You were the type that
drew corrections to the builder's plans
for our first house and
then re-plumbed the hot water yourself
after the idiot builder put it
in the attic and it burst
taking out the ceil heat.

You made them pay for it,
but did the work yourself
to make sure it was done right.
I watched your every move and
I decided somewhere along the way
to be an engineer, but I didn't
cope with life quite well enough and
I know I disappointed you as
well as so many others along the way,
but in the end I think;
you really understood.

Here I sit flinging words
at a brick wall.

You were a provider;
you provided strength and
the amount of
love and affection you could spare,
a home and hearth and
the power of words.

You taught me to
keep flinging the words until
the walls fall down.

17 years,
I started this journey at 17.

34 years,
two times seventeen and you were gone.

51 years,
I guess going for four
won't be so bad,
as long as I keep
writing the walls down.

I still rage about
the loss of light, but
I can see that by your
own standards;
you lived carpe diem
every day.

Drink up,
live well,
love well,
die well.
This I think,
you taught me well.

Mike Carson

Friday, August 14, 2009

It’s Easy To Hide Inside A Dream

There is no hiding place for the poet
I dodged the issue for thirty long years
Running from that stage fright, don't you know it
Forever putting excuses to my fears
I dodged the issue for thirty long years
While living a life so worth the living
Forever putting excuses to my fears
My own soul to keep, that now I'm giving
While living a life so worth the living
When I'm holding the treasure in my hands
My own soul to keep, that now I'm giving
Well worn particles of time's golden sands
When I'm holding the treasure in my hands
I can see the world with eyes wide open
Well worn particles of time's golden sands
Bound for that which I was always hoping
I can see the world with eyes wide open
Running from that stage fright, don't you know it
Bound for that which I was always hoping
There is no hiding place for the poet

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Dark Ages

In the beginning, there was light
Quest for knowledge
Ticket dearly bought
Young gun, pistol cocked
Experienced wide and far
But ganja had to be shed
The magic carpet put to bed
Beer was his only friend the nights
The music died
The music had already turned
Before the Johns departed
His life turned with the music
Punk and New Age, Rap and Grunge
As the world turned cold
The “Chill” spread throughout
The decade of darkness
The bong was tossed along with
His heart, which
Existed only within the shadows
The wine and beer though, flowed
New friends were made in the wake
Of lost shipmates
The girl was there where he left her
Still not knowing her own mind
Slowly stealing what ebb was left
The seas got rocky as beer and gambling
Took over as the favored sins
He was so freaking smart
It was a shame he didn’t have a clue
Darkness fell when she got married
Continued when she came running
As she always did
Others were seen along the way
And they saw the troubled son
Adrift within the hallowed halls
Of wisdom
They all took what they came after
And lived for another day
Love came running, knocking
At the door, midnight hour
Hope rekindled
Then stolen by the re-gifter
The drifter in the night
Made one last deal with the Devil
As the beat went on and on
Twisting in rainbow colors
Dancing to the tune about
The road to Hades
Laughing in the night
We will never get this right
And so the band played on
Somewhere along the way
Hope and joy were lost
Dreams faded into the night
Wisdom was not held
In a plaque upon the wall
Love and dreams failed to ignite
Shadows crept into the soul
A cold, bitter frost settled on the heart
A fire hydrant jumped out and bit him
On a drunken Monday night
The clang of the bars a broken tune
For a broken man
Lost in a broken world
Of his own making
And then, with the party over
The music long since died
The angel flown and gone
The book of dreams lying on the floor
Lost and lonely, cast away
Set adrift from population
Walls of darkness hiding
The emptiness within
Until a chance encounter
With a barmaid silk and sassy
Who sang a different tune
And in the end…
Light again
And songs to fill the air

Friday, February 1, 2008

Poetic Dreams

Considering the price we have to pay
Why a poet would do it, who can know?
Struggles are many, but we win the day
Seeing as how there’s so damn much to say
Guard your ideals against the wind that blows
All I ever wanted…to show the way
In our daily strife, silence held at bay
Many the storms that toss us to and fro
Struggles are many, but we win the day
Observing life’s light until the last ray
Seeing is believing, let your light show
All I ever wanted…to show the way
At the end of the day, let your head lay
By your sweet love’s side, shining from the glow
Struggles are many, but we win the day
A journey well worth the taking, come what may
Beauty is found in the rhythm and the flow
Struggles are many, but we win the day
All I ever wanted…to show the way