Monday, September 15, 2008

I Know About Life

I've been writing a lot about love
love lost forever
love found, but still in the air
but what do I know about love?
I know about death...
it comes quickly
like a typhoon in the East China Sea
it is upon you before you know it
and leaves no where to turn
or it creeps up slowly
and stares you in the the eye
for many moons

I know about life...
so much I know about life now
as I round the bend and
head for the home stretch
it is whole and completely
who you are,
the life you lead
the wake you leave behind you
in the world
the sum of which will be
your days

I know this thing called love
is boundless
we love because we live
and we live instead of dying
I do believe that
she knew more than I
and I know that
I loved her 'til death
and beyond
just as I ever
loved the sea

Mike Carson